Monday, March 12, 2012

Week 1 - Belarus - Michiel Houwen

This is it! We finally started our trip around the world. It was difficult to plan the whole journey but we managed to actually pull this off.

Minsk- The capital of Belarus
Our magnificent trip starts in Belarus. Yesterday we landed in Minsk, the capital of the Republic of Belarus. When people talk about Minsk, some here like to refer to the old legend about Menesk, a man of extraordinary physical strength who was providing protection from enemies for the town and its inhabitants. In total, there are almost 2 million people living in the capital of Belarus. We had a great time in Minsk but we were obliged to keep on moving because Poland will be our next stop. We decided to take the train and continue our trip, luckily this isn’t a direct line to Poland and so we had the opportunity to take a look at the more natural places in Belarus. Dyarhynskaya Hara, or Dzyarhynsk Hill, is the highest point of Belarus, which is 345 meters. If you know that the average elevation of the country is 160 meter, this is quite the prominent part of Belarus. Fortunately we didn’t forget to bring our winter jackets because it’s about 2°C this time of the year. In summer, temperatures could rise to an average of 19°C, too bad, but this didn’t stop me from taking a quick swim in one of the lakes though. The fun lasted for about 2 seconds. For the experts, this country is actually the transitional zone between continental climates and maritime climates, which explains the differences of temperatures throughout the seasons.
One of the magnificent lakes

Unfortunately, not everything is as good as it sounds. This country was affected and infected by Ukraine’s Chernobyl nuclear disaster of 1986. Statistics show that 70% of the radiation entered Belarusian territory. As of today, about a fifth of Belarusian farmland and forests are still affected by the radiation. When we were looking for information about Belarus two weeks ago, we were actually warned about this. Luckily we won’t be around for long… I’m thrilled for Poland!

Take care mi amigos! Да пабачэння!

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