Sunday, May 6, 2012

Week 11: Tanzania - Thomas De Saffel

Hello guys, I am back again. Now, I am landed in Tanzania, the last country that I will visit during this whole trip. The country is very known for one particular mountain, the Kilimanjaro. Today, I will talk about my meeting with this natural wonder.  

Actually, the Kilimanjaro isn't  really a mountain but a volcano. It's located in the Kilimanjaro National Park and it's the highest mountain in Africa at 5895 metres. There are six official routes to climb the Kilimanjaro. I will do one of these with Karel. I don't have the energy to do the steeper route because it can take 6 or 7 days to climb it. When you want to do that, try to avoid altitude sickness. Allow yourselves a minimum of five nights. But we will do the Marangu route because it's a busy route and it takes one simple day to do the job. The best way to climb is with the help of a local guide. He will give you some important tips. A very important tip is that you have to climb slowly to increase your acclimatisation time and it maximises your chances of reaching the summit. There are campsites and huts available on the mointain and outside the park in the village of Marangu. There are also several hotels and campsites present. So there are enough opportunities to live here for a couple of days. 

But if you want to take it slowly, there is also possibility to do some trout fishing. We did it too and sometimes we don't need more than being in the nature and listening to the different noises made by different animals. A lot of wild animals are living not far from where we are resting. You can find them in the National Park. But if you think, it's too dangerous to be alone in the nature. You can visit open spaces like the Chala crater lake on the mountain's southeastern slope. It's a very beautiful place where you can enjoy the nature without taking any risks. 

I thank you all for following my blogs during these different weeks. I am thinking about doing this in future too. It's very fascinating to inspire different kind of people. Sharing enough of my experiences can take you to different locations. Cheers my friends!

Thomas De Saffel


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