Monday, May 7, 2012

Week 12 Madagascar - Ecology - Vincent Petit 2MA03

Hello friends! 

This is the last week of our trip around the world. I can’t believe it! Time goes by really fast. It seems like it was yesterday when I was on the airport with my friends to travel to the first country, Belarus. It was an unbelievable trip. We visited so many beautiful countries with each their own unique cultures and ways of living. We did a lot of parties and one thing is sure; Michiel is the biggest party animal! What I always will remember is the Safari that we did in the Zakouma National Park. The feeling that you get when you see the elephants, giraffes, and the other wild animals is inexpressible. 

Luckily, our trip is not over yet. We still have one week to visit and explore the last country, Madagascar! Madagascar, the paradise for lovers of Mother Nature, is a South African island situated in the Indian Ocean.
As a result of the island's long isolation from neighbouring continents, Madagascar is home to a vast array of plants and animals, many found nowhere else on Earth.

The traveler's palm, endemic to the eastern rain forests, is highly iconic for Madagascar and is featured in the national emblem as well as the Air Madagascar logo. Like its flora, Madagascar's fauna is diverse and exhibits a high rate of endemism. Madagascar is world-famous for its lemurs, primates that look something like a cat crossed with a squirrel and a dog.

This week we will enjoy Madagascar’s nature, and we will organise a big farewell party. I will miss the traveling, but I also look forward to seeing my family, my girlfriend, and my cat again as well. I feel the need for my own bed and Belgian fries!

Thank you for following this blog!


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