Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Week 9: Central African Republic - Thomas De Saffel

If you travellers are searching for the real 'Africa', the Central African Republic may be it. This country has a lot of potential to show you this.

The Central African Republic contains a lot of rare natural beauty, with some of the world's most amazing wildlife. The regrettable part is that the country still remains underdeveloped despite of these opportunities. The country has a lot of important mineral deposits and great natural resources but little of the wealth will be generated to the population. It's very difficult to understand such a policy but as a tourist I can't do anything. Despite of these abuses, the population is very friendly. The people work very hardly to gain money to survive. I visited one of these local villages. The women grow different pieces of berries and they work together to collect these berries. From these berries, they make some different juices and medicines. The men hunt in the woods for wild. The men and women repeat this phenomenon every day. A hard battle to survive in these circumstances.

This country is not as safe if you think it is. A lot of travel guides and travel agencies warn the traveller that this area is very unstable. So travelling in this country is a backpacking bungee jump. But if you stay in national parks and in known territories, there will happen nothing. Look at me, I can walk in this country without seeing any conflicts.  A very known national park is the Dzanga-Sangha National Park. I heard the name before because in the secondary school, I had to make a presentation in geography. It's especially a resort for African elephants. You only can visit the park in group, but it's worth it. I visited the park with Michiel and he found it amazing to see these giants having a good time. Sadly, elephants become prey by people for their ivory. But we are convinced that the efforts of this national park will be worth it.

So if you search for a country with the wild aspects in it, then the Central African Republic will interest you. The only thing you have to have in mind is that you are able to speak in French because most of the people can't speak English. See you next time, my dear followers!

Thomas De Saffel


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