Friday, April 6, 2012

Week 4: Hungary: attractions - Thibaut De Bruyker

Hello world!

Today I’m going to write a little about the country we’ve been discovering this week, Hungary. This is a country that you don't automatically link to some sort of product or a certain type of people. Nevertheless this boring country has a lot to offer. There are a lot of amazing attractions in Hungary and in this blogpost you can read about my personal experiences.

One thing I’ve learned about this country is that you can find thermal spa’s everywhere. Apparently Hungarian people prefer to use the power of their thermal springs instead of taking medication. In Budapest, the mecca of thermal spas, we went to “Lukcs bath”. This was a really good experience, we were threated like kings and queens. 
We’ve visited also Margaret Island, that’s a small island in the middle of Budapest with beautiful trees and flowers. There’s also a water tower, an open-air theatre and some hotels on the island. Hungary is a romantic city, at the evening of early in the morning couples go to the Castle District and have a very nice romantic view together. Talking about romantic activities, the Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slaval Karst are the most beautiful Caves I’ve ever seen, not that I’ve seen a lot of caves. At least they are prettier than the ones I’d seen before. 
City Park in Budapest is a very beautiful park in which there’s always a lot of movement. People spend their free time in the park and lay on the grass, go for a walk with the dog, play some football or just walk through it on their way to work or school. Next to the park there’s the Museum Of Fine Arts, which you have to go visit when you get the chance. The Budapest Zoo and Botanical Garden is a very big Zoo, but not really a must see. We went there and it was a lot of fun but this Zoo was not different from others. And the last thing we visited was the Statue Park, in which 42 statues of political Hungarian (ex-) leaders stand.

I hope I’ve convinced at least one reader of my blog, to travel to Hungary and discover all of this beauty by himself.

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