Sunday, April 1, 2012

Week 3-Economy-Slovakia-Karel Junior De Groote

Goodmorning dear colleagues,

I just woke up, and I thought let me keep the homefront again up-to-date. Well as you know is Slovakia a member of Europe. A short history about Slovakia. Slovakia joined the Eurozone in 2009.Since then the economy advanced from a centrally planned economy to a market-driven economy. It has nearly completed his privatizations. Like the bank sector is nearly privatized and more and more foreign investors are joining here. This was a little history so you can understand what I will tell you later on.

Yesterday I went to a pub with some friends it called itself “Slovi”. I have no idea what it means but it looked very to cool to step in. When we were  drinking a beer some locals heard our accent and they asked where we from. Anyway, the man started talking about 2008. Slovakia their exchange rate against the euro was very bad. I think the man said that it was 30 Slovak koruna for 1 euro. He told us that the life in Slovakia is much better with the euro now. They have the support of the other countries when they are in trouble and the employment is much better than ever before. He was so convinced about his life in Slovakia that he gave us a beer for free. And I will tell you more. Slovakia was first an aid re ceiver from the World Bank, and now they are an aid provider.

During my days in Slovakia I have seen a lot of foreign people. I couldn’t realize why. They were from everywhere over the world. I have heard that Slovakia is very interesting because of the low taxes and the low wages that we have to pay as a foreign customer. This could be interesting for us as Belgium people because we have to pay for people who doesn’t work, who are sick, and so on...

Today we will visit also the Financial district and the National Bank of Slovakia. At the end of this day we go again to our favorite place in Slovakia. We go to the “Shopping Palace”. It is a very big mall with hundreds of shops inside. Like Astrid Brian would say: “It’s amazing!”.

Goodbye everyone!


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