Monday, April 30, 2012

Week 7-Tourism-Libya-Karel Junior De Groote

Good evening,

At the moment we are in the “Corinthia Hotel Tripoli”. It’s a cheap and nice hotel. The culture is very different of ours. The people here are amazing and so friendly. To be honest, I could live here. After a few days here in Libya we discovered a lot.

In our hotel we have a lot of Belgium’s, Russians and Dutch people. The Russians are often very annoying and very noisy. Our hotel provides a buffet as dinner and as we discovered now is that Russians are very attracted to a buffet.

In the beginning of our week here we went to the information centre. We took some flyers of the desk, and I started reading some chapters about tourism. What I didn’t know is that Libya is the crossroads of the history, continents and the ancient empires. A lot of people are coming over here to visit the beautiful deserts. You can join different kind of safari’s here. We joined such a safari, and I can say that it’s a very special activity to do.

After different kind of activities we went to some locals to see how they live. In the village we met somebody that we know from Belgium. He told us that each year the visitors to Libya are growing. The country is best known for its ancient Greek and Roman ruins. So we started heading toward the ancient ruins of Libya. We went with the bus to visit the ruins and it was amazing! When we were travelling to the ruins there was a lot of agents and militaries to protect the tourists. Now at the moment it isn’t so safe here. But in a few days we’re moving forward to another country.

I’ve heard also of Libya that they are trying to attract new tourists again with increasing their hotels. I have to leave you guys because I’m very tired.

Cya next week,

Greetings from Karel J,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1214&bih=535&ion=1&wrapid=tljp133607542330800&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=i-SiT5_jGMOe-waroKjdCA

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