Friday, May 4, 2012

Week 12: Madagascar - Thibaut De Bruyker

Hello my friends yesterday we arrived in Madagascar. I’m still a bit sea sick from the boat travel. But the views we get here make me feel like I’m in heaven. This is one of the most beautiful countries we’ve seen so far. Today I’ll write something about the transport, the economy and the languages that are spoken in this country.

There’s something very remarkable about this country’s road system. There’s only 1 big road that go’s from the North of the Island to the South. There are some smaller road connected to this main road but not a lot. Next to this small network of roads there are also some railways.

Madagascar doesn’t have a big economy, rice is the biggest source of income for the people of Madagascar. Since 2005 the people of Madagascar pay with “Ariary”. 71,3% of these people lives under the poverty line.

The average expected age of a man is 60 years old and for a woman it’s 65 years old. That really young actually, in comparison to Belgium where the average expected age of a man is 75 and for a woman around 82.

Madagascar has a lot of languages but the official language is French.
It’s very hard to understand what they’re saying because it’s some kind of mix between the local dialects and French as we know it. But everyone does their best to communicate as clear as possible.

Thanks for reading, this was my last blogpost I hope you enjoyed it and I’m looking forward to come back to Belgium!

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