Saturday, May 5, 2012

Week 12: Madagascar - Michiel Houwen

Dear followers and friends

This is it! We finally arrived at our last stop, Madagascar, three days ago. Getting here was not that easy though. We could have taken the plane but then we would’ve had to travel north again from Tanzania to Kenya. We decided to travel by cargo boats, which is much cheaper by the way. We travelled to Zanzibar (the coast of Tanzania), took the boat and set sail for the Comoros Islands. From this point we were able to take another boat to Toamasina, Madagascar.

Before visiting Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar, we decided to keep our backpacks on and go for some trekking in ‘Parc National de Ranomafana’. This rainforest is made for tourists and shows the beauty of nature. With the help of a guide we were able to visit some small villages in the woods where we had the opportunity of taking a hot tub, an opportunity which we took of course. In this village we spent the night in a cosy hotel and we even had the chance to meet Dadalira, a 106-year-old local man who has so many stories to tell. Unfortunately we didn’t understand what he was saying because he speaks in Malagasy, but our guide was able to translate some of the sentences.

Most people here are poor as well but that doesn’t influence the fact that they will always be very hospitable. Because we spent less than we initially planned thorough our trip around the world, we decided to give something back to these people. Before arriving we did some research and found out that there is a place called ‘Akany Avoko’ in the capital of Madagascar, Antananrivo. This is the home for approximately 120 homeless children. Here, these kids are educated in making clothes, screenprint T-shirts, and taking care of gardens to learn how to grow vegetables. When we visited this place we were able to meet the children and spend some time with them in their classes. Before leaving, we threw together some money and gave it to the English director, Steve Wilkinson, as a donation. It was about 70 euro; not that much but we sure think it was more than welcome.

From now on there’s only one week remaining for us to spend some time in Madagascar before leaving and continue our lives in Belgium. It was one hell of an awesome trip and something to never forget. I would like to encourage people to definitely do this when they have the chance, it’s unbelievable.

One last time: Take care my friends! Veloma!

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