Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Week 9: Central African Republic - Michiel Houwen

Good morning dear followers!

Two weeks in the African continent and it’s been legendary so far. Two days ago we arrived in Central African Republic. It’s surprising how kind people are in the African continent. Fortunately we also speak French because people hardly speak English over here. We’re currently staying in a hotel in Bangui, which is also the capital.  In total there are approximately 4.5 million people living in Central African Republic from which 800.000 are living in Bangui.

Sadly, this country remains one of the poorest countries in the world. Somehow entering this country gives you a weird feeling. You see these kinds of thing on television but seeing it with your own eyes in real life is something completely different. Also the human rights record remains very poor here as well; government abuse is one of the many causes.

Cultivation and sale of food crops such as peanuts, maize, and sesame are about the only businesses that dominate the economy of the Central African Republic. This country’s most lucrative import partners are South Korea and France. Our small country, Belgium, is the fifth most important partner. This morning we bought a delicious artisanal beverage made out of the local food crops. Locals call it sorghum beer and one glass contains enough alcohol to feel tipsy; as I myself experienced.

One thing that’s quite unbearable in Central African Republic is the climate; which is wet and dry. Depending on the time of the year the humidity here can be very high. Combine this with an average temperature of 32°C in May and I can tell you that it’s difficult to spend one hour outside during the day. Luckily it’s almost 6 p.m. so we can go and find something to eat. Stay tuned because in two weeks I will blog about Madagascar, can’t wait!

Take care my friends and followers, au revoir!

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