Friday, April 13, 2012

Week 4 Hungary – Culture - Vincent Petit

Hello fellow bloggers! Last week we had an amazing time in Slovakia. Now we are in week four of our journey around the world and so far the trip went very well. We are enjoying  a delicious cup of coffee in the centre of Budapest, Hungary. If you ever have the chance to travel to this beautiful city you definitely have to know something about the culture. The Hungarian people and the Hungarian culture is a fascinating topic and learning something about their traditions will enhance your travel.

Hungary was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and boasts rich folk traditions of embroidery, pottery, carving and decorated buildings.
This country has a profound literary tradition, yet many of its writers and poets are not so popular abroad due to the limited prevalence of the Hungarian language. In 2002, the Nobel Prize in Literature was won by Imre Kertesz. Inventions such as the ballpoint pen, the BASIC programming language and the electronic railway engine were done by

The film industry of Hungary had a first big hit in the 1930s when it developed comedies. Especially in Germany many Hungarian films won international acclaim. There was a second golden period of Hungary’s film-making industry when the art film of Miklos Jancso won public acclaim.

Music:Hungary has world famous gifted musicians in Classical and Jazz music. The first Hungarian kind of music was folk music. Today, Hungarian music ranges from the rhapsodies of Franz Liszt to folk and Roma music.

Etiquette:A Hungarian man enters first into a pub, restaurant, coffeehouse, or other public establishment and it’s customary for men to walk on the left side of women.

 So, fellow travelers, I just took the last sip of my coffee. We are ready to explore Budapest and its culture. Hopefully the information I’ve given you is useful. I’ll continue with blogging within two weeks, when we are in Greece. I really look forward to visit that country.

Vincent Petit 2MA03


1 comment:

  1. Well Vincent, I must say that you've written a very nice blog about our visit to budapest! As u mentioned this is a city full of culture and interesting but underestimated inventors and artistic geniuses. A must for every culture fanatic!
