Saturday, April 14, 2012

Week 6 Greece - Tourism - Vincent Petit

Hello dear friends and followers, I’m back! I know it’s been a long time, but there was so much to do last week in Bulgaria. We did a lot of exclusive parties and there were moments that I will never forget. Time goes by so fast, we are already halfway our journey and it seems like it was yesterday that we started our trip around the world in Belarus.

We are in Greece this week and I’m now blogging live from Athena. The weather is beautiful! The sun is shining and it’s 21 °C. I’m sitting with my friends next to the famous Parthenon on the Athenian Acropolis and I just saw an interesting YouTube video on my iPad of the Parthenon.

This magnificent temple is dedicated to the Greek goddess Athena, whom the people of Athens considered their virgin patron. The Parthenon is one of the world's greatest cultural monuments and it’s the most important building of Classical Greece. Its decorative sculptures are considered some of the highest points of Greek art.

This week we will take things slow. Everybody is tired from last week. So this afternoon we will enjoy the beautiful landscapes and take a few pictures. The rest of the week we’ll relax on the beach and do some sports.   

This was my blog for this week. I hope you like it. I’ll be back within two weeks when we are traveling through Chad. Keep following our blog friends. Next week we will be in Libya, I never been in Africa before, so it’s going to be a new experience for me and I really look forward to it.
Have fun this week!

Vincent Petit 2MA03


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