Saturday, April 14, 2012

Week 5-Culture-Bulgaria-Karel Junior De Groote

Hello everyone,

The weeks passes very fast,

Tomorrow we go to Greece but now we’re still in Bulgaria. It was fantastic. I really didn’t knew that Bulgaria has so much to see, and so much to offer for our cultural mind. It’s a country that offers different kind of things: music, horses, churches, religions,… I will try to list a few things which I concluded as my most favorite cultural places I saw in Bulgaria.

When we arrived in Bulgaria we went in the suburbs of the city. In nearly each family I saw a beautiful music instrument. They call it the “Gudulka”. It’s an traditional folk instrument. It looks like a violin and a guitar. The sound is awesome! A family invited us to join them for dinner. After the dinner their daughter played a gorgeous song for us. I got tears in my eyes. They told us that it is an tradition of over 1000 years old. It was already noon and we still had to go to the center.

 I think the second or the third day we went to visit the “Alexander Nevsky Cathedra”l and the “Sofia Synagogue”. The Cathedral is one of the largest Orthodox churches in the world. In the afternoon we went to a Jewish community with less than 2000 people. I couldn’t believe my eyes how such a small community could have everything. They had a butcher, a baker,…

Back in our hotel I tasted something new I never tasted before. It was “Tarator”. Everyone, if you have the chance to taste it, try it!!  It is served as an appetizer or as a side dish along with some salad from the local farmers. It’s a very popular dish and especially in the summer.

Another day we went to a museum. We have seen a very old painting. It was from the painter “Ivan Angelov”. I’m not really art minded but I did my best. My friend said it’s Thracian art. Anyway, I’m not a specialist in paintings so I can’t tell enough about this.

Regretfully I will have to leave you guys and hopefully I see you next week back!

Karel Junior De Groote

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