Friday, April 13, 2012

Week 5: Bulgaria- Economy - Thomas De Saffel

Hallo everyone, this is Thomas De Saffel again. Now, I am landed in South-East Europe to talk about the economy in Bulgaria. I am almost in Asia so it's very special to be here.

When I arrived in Bulgaria by plane, I thought I would see an agricultural country with a predominantly rural population. But I was totally wrong. Bulgaria has an industrial economy with scientific and technological research as its top priorities. These changes became very obvious when I visited the financial centre of Bulgaria, Sofia. It's the capital of Bulgaria as well. The capital has a lot of modern buildings. Many West-European and American multinationals settle new establishments. Nowadays, the economy is doing back well again. Bulgaria has a lot of important raw materials. I visited a factory where they processes copper and iron. Very interesting is how they make copper wires in different sizes and widths. But oil is here also important. There are a lot of oil refineries. At the oil refineries, a lot of big buildings are settled to store the new oil. I see this for the first time, in spite of you can see this in your own country as well. But the difference is that I am in a land of origin and I may check it out how an oil refinery processes the oil. There hangs a typical petrol smell in the building but after all a guide explains me everything in hesitating English. After the visits, I went to the financial centre. Bulgaria still has his own currency, the Lev. The country is not part of the European Union. So everything in the country is a lot cheaper than in European countries. For example, I bought a coffee in the Starbucks for 70 cents. A big difference if you buy the same coffee in London where you pay 2 Euros.

I hope I gave you essential information about this country. Every country changes. Bulgaria is not a country with a lot of old buildings anymore. That time is over. The country develops quickly in a modern area. A must see, ladies and gentlemen!


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