Saturday, April 7, 2012

Week 4: Hungary - Nightlife - Michiel Houwen

Hello my dear followers!

It’s been a long time since you’ve heard some novelties from my part but I hope my friends did a great job keeping you up-to-date! In the meantime we have arrived in Hungary and if I had to describe this country in one word it would be: amazing! One of the most amazing things about Budapest, the capital of Hungary, is that it has this unique nightlife scene. It’s no way close to what for example Ghent could offer us. Every club and pub here comes with a nice ‘kertek’; which basically means that there are outdoor drinking spots.

This is definitely the place I want to be at right now, last week’s been pretty hectic but now Budapest’s so kind of offering me the chance to listen to some good old jazzy sound and delicious cocktails; this is life for me! Last night, when we arrived in Budapest around 10pm, we had this tremendous idea of going to a nightclub despite the fact that we were extremely tired. I’ll be honest:  I don’t regret our choice. First we visited the A38. This club, situated by a river (I forgot the name, woops), had some incredible DJ’s. These weren’t the only ones who were incredible; there were some astounding hot girls as well. The music went from deep house to electro and then back to house again. Finally we ended up in Klub Vittula and we got pretty wasted by the time we went back to our hostel… The manager yelled something in Hungarian but we forgot to pay any attention. 

As I am typing this I see that Vincent is waking up but he doesn’t look like he'll be doing a lot today. I’ll probably suggest we do some sightseeing because apparently Hungary’s nightlife isn’t the only thing that is fabulous.

Take care dear followers! Viszlát!

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